About Us

Calming Pet was developed as a pet brand to bring superior comfort solutions for our canine friends. With sincere efforts and dedicated time, we were able to introduce a dog mattress to meet our furry friends’ needs through calmingpet.co.
...because we care about your canine as if they were our own!
Today, Calming Pet is a canine mattress brand, solely focused on helping pet owners around the globe solve an important problem their furry friends face - the struggle of finding a comfortable place to sleep.
We offer more than just an ordinary pet bed.
We aim to provide the most comfortable pet bed
while building a strong relationship with you
and your little furry friend for years to come.
while building a strong relationship with you
and your little furry friend for years to come.
We invite you to join our canine loving family! ❤
Feel free to contact our dedicated 24/7 customer support team for any other questions regarding our product and services.
Email: support@calmingpet.co
Team Calming Pet